Connecting with nature is important for us to feel more grounded. In a world where screen time can outweigh outdoor time on some days, it’s important to make an effort to enjoy what Mother Earth has to offer us. Even on our “busy” days we can sneak that time in. When you wake up, take your morning coffee or tea outside. But, don’t forget to leave your phone inside. Roll out your yoga mat or blanket and do some simple poses or stretches. When was the last time you just looked up at the clouds and watched a cloud till it completely disappeared? Listen to your morning birds. They are singing a song just for you. Is that a wood pecker in the distance? Think of the whole eco system you’re surrounded by. I think to myself, how the heck did those rabbits, deer and birds survive that Adirondack winter? Or if you’re closer to the equator, how did they survive that summer heat? Some of my best days at work were after digging in the garden with my bare hands and working up a sweat with some intense yard work earlier that morning. I feel connected to the Earth when my hands are in dirt. Some of my best moments connecting with my son are spent on wondering trails. These trails are sprinkled with little gems from nature like the random turtle, salamander or chipmunk that crosses your path. in some special moments we are blessed with the eagle, hawk or owl that swoops by and graces you with their presence. I love walking through a dense forest where the sun peeks through the tree branches and highlights a patch of moss or a trickling stream. I am drawn to the sound of running water in the distance like a magnet. That’s when I feel connected the most, in these small peaceful moments. It’s like Mother Nature is giving you a warm embrace.